Some dogs are as picky as a toddler having a tantrum, while others are canine garbage cans - gobbling everything in sight with no regard for taste (or toxicity). Some owners are strict with what their dogs eat, often due to health concerns, while others have more of a “what’s mine is yours” mentality when it comes to mealtimes. Whatever your approach, some human food can offer dogs variety in their diet, while others pose a threat to their health.

As with all diets - human and canine - moderation is key. Dogs and humans metabolize foods differently. Too much of any treats or food, regardless of how healthy they are, can cause stomach issues for dogs, especially if it’s something they’re not used to. Here are some things to keep in mind when your puppy chows.

Can My Dog Eat Avocados? Nope!

Avocados contain a chemical called persin, a fungicidal toxin that leaks out from the pit and gets absorbed into the pulp. Most dogs won't experience serious illness from eating avocado, but they can still get an upset stomach if they eat a lot of it (and the pit is a major choking hazard).

Can My Dog Eat Bananas? Yep!

Bananas have plenty of beneficial nutrients that can be tough for your dog to get otherwise, like vitamin B, vitamin C and potassium. They also have tons of fibre to help keep your pooch regular. But beware - too many bananas can lead to constipation.

Can My Dog Eat Grapes? Nope!

It’s been discovered that grapes are associated with canine kidney failure - nobody knows exactly why this happens, but it does. If you’ve been using grapes to train Fido, you don’t necessarily need to worry, because some dogs can eat them without experiencing significant side effects (again, the reasons are unknown). Others, though, can develop serious, life-threatening illnesses. To be on the safe side, avoid grapes altogether.

Can My Dog Eat Potato? Yep!

Potatoes are known for their nutrition and most dogs greatly enjoy them! Sweet potato is especially good for them and most dogs love them. Sweet potato treats enhance sweet potatoes by giving them a chewy texture that dogs love. White potatoes aren’t as good for dogs as their sweet counterparts, having less nutritional value and more carbohydrates, but they’re still safe for dogs to eat.

Can My Dog Eat Nuts? Nope!

Never give nuts to your mutts. Dogs’ digestive systems just aren’t equipped to handle them, particularly macadamia nuts, which can be seriously toxic. If your dog eats a nut, watch for symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. If you spot any of these, take her to the vet immediately.

But...What About Peanut Butter?

Most dogs go gaga for peanut butter and it’s perfectly healthy because peanuts aren’t nuts. They’re actually legumes, so they don’t cause any of the weird health problems nuts do. In fact, they’re packed with nutrients and healthy fats (just make sure it’s natural and watch the portion size because peanut butter is loaded with calories).

Can My Dog Eat Carrots? Celery? Green Beans? Yep, Yep and Yep!

Fresh, crunchy vegetables are good for your dog's teeth. Plus, it's a bit easier not to overfeed with veggies because they’re lower calorie foods. Always make sure they’re cut into bite-size pieces (especially celery) to avoid choking/digestive tract hazards.

Can My Dog Eat Chicken? Yep!

If you run out of dog food, chicken is a solid sub. Whether it’s poached, baked, or grilled, dogs will eat freshly cooked chicken any way they can get it. Healthy pups can handle cooking oils and seasonings, but avoid adding onions or garlic (both are a big “Nope!” for your dog). Our Chicken Morsels make the perfect chicken dog treats – they are 100% Canadian chicken so your dog will gobble them up!

Can My Dog Eat Pomegranates? Nope!

This one’s a bummer considering what a super-food pomegranate is for humans. Unfortunately for our fur babies, those precious red seeds are very tough to digest (same goes for currants). Dogs who snack on pomegranate often get stomachaches or vomit. If she only ate a small amount and vomits, she’ll likely be fine. But if she gorged on the entire fruit or you’re worried about her symptoms, head to the vet.

Can My Dog Eat Coconut? Yep!

Most dogs go cuckoo for coconut. It has lauric acid, which helps strengthen the immune system and fight off viruses. It's also soothing for itchy skin and hot spots on dogs. Ditch the outside of the coconut, though - those tiny hairs covering the shell are a major choking hazard for dogs.

When it comes to feeding your dog, the fewer fillers the better, so getting dog treats from the produce section means not having to worry about ingredients you aren’t familiar with (or can’t even pronounce). Another option is to stick with brands you trust - all Crumps' Naturals treats contain no colours, additives or preservatives, with most being single-ingredient.

And remember, if your dog has a medical condition or is taking any medications, always consult with your vet before you alter their food, supplements or other over-the-counter products.

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